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We offer both Coats brand and generic bobbins. They come in different types for your every need: cardboard-sided, sideless, or magnetic.

Coats bobbins

Cardboard-Sided Bobbins

  • Spun Poly Coats America Astra with 94 yards (ACLV) and 114 yards (SCLV)
  • Spun Poly Coats America Astra Jumbo bobbin with 207 yards (SCMV)
  • Filament Polyester Coats America Trusew with 132 yards (FCLV)
  • Filament Polyester Generic with 132 yards (CFCLV and CFCLV “G”)

Available in White and Black.

Sideless bobbins

Sideless Bobbins

Polyester with 142 yards (LCLV and SDLV) and Jumbo bobbin with 255 yards (LCMV). Also available in Polyester Filament with 155 yards (GCLV-C).
magnetic bobbins

Magnetic Bobbins

Polyester Magnetic Core Sideless with 135 yards (MCLV) and Jumbo with 230 yards (MCMV)
bobbin cases

Bobbin Cases

Strong bobbin cases to fit all major embroidery machines, available in regular and jumbo size.
rotary hooks

Rotary Hooks

Durable, high quality Rotary Hooks to fit all embroidery machines. Available in regular and jumbo size; also available with Teflon.